Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

MYss You BunnY

WHAT? Was Vince Vaughn in Queens ? Cause He said in his n Reese X-Mas Movie about his performance " I´m gonna blow the roof of this bitch" ( Oh man, if I had this memory in school)

Lady´s n Gents -The talented and Lovely DEVYN!!!!!! A.K.A "THE DEVYNSTER"? Right?

Yeah,it´s him!

Who´s the MAN ? Who got sh... äh Stuff done? And left office in plus bilance?


Yes, orange is the new Black

Is you mental ? The not so nice "MENTALIST" On the plus side - He is a really good actor - cause on TV I like him...

The one and Only the GREAT - THE MAN -ROYAL Pain INDA Arse of the Republicans -Mr. JON STEWART -Beloved by EVERYONE ( AHM Who is not aRep) Finally after watching "THE DAILY SHOW" for 10 years on my visits in NY - and for years in Germany CNN´s Global Edition which is no more WTF? one more reason to not watch them! But JON told me the solution " SATELLITE,BABY"

The Great Funny - Smart John Oliver!!!! ( Hey, Cool last name) At B n N Meet n greet He talked German to me

TV Biggi meeting at Letterman - "LOST" , "HAWAI 5-O " and "DEXTER" Daniel and Michael

The Lovely,funny, well read and what was the other thing? Oh yeah GOOOOOODLOOKING Miss Laura

Meeting nice people everywhere - the great Mr. Eddy at Fuuuusbaaal ( SOCCER it is, but this is howw Booby BOUCHES Mom says it in "The Waterboy" ( I KNOW, watch less,read more....but I am Classic liturate Tucker Max " I hope they serve beer in hell" SEE I´m working on my charme skillz for da Ladys

You know , it´s hard out there for a pimp!!!!! Just ask "Gator" WILL FERREL saw "The other Cops " today - there they got the soon - to - be - a - classic song "Pimps don´t cry "

The " BLADE " Dexter Jackson ? ÄHH Almost

"DEXTER" INDAHOUSE - bzw Michael C Hall Outdahouse the Letterman-house - doing a nice signing and kidding with the Fan´s - thanks Sir

If you Lucky enough to be at HOOTERS - You´re Lucky enough!!!! ( Sorry uncle Bob, I stole your beach quote) BUT then again, I didn´t have enough blood in my brain to think ....( Th ink about it ;-) )

Life´s goooood at Casa de HOOTERS

Ah didn´t see her the whole time, Miss Peggy ( only her car on our parking lot,mocking me like a monkey !!!! O.K. maybe I should sober up ) and lucky me ,I ran into her in our subway station UTPKE!! Lucky me

Breakfast at Tiffany´s ? Ne,at Swarovsky´s im Rockefellercenter ( Donna fave )

Fun at Da Bowling Place ( einer ist Vernünftig u nicht äh be - boozelt )

first early shift after vacation - no sleep - and "after show äh bowling " with mah old crew :-)

Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

Life is cool on Austin Street, Queens NY

Yeap Bently baby

Life´s good at 5 B´s

YES the green tea is working - plus the Long Island Ice Tea - mah hair is growing again

Just kidding - Big hello at 5 B´s finally met Orlando again - Go YANKEES

Yeah it´s him - ORLANDO

Freitag, 24. September 2010


IT is ON!!!!!San Genaro 2010!!!!!! Yeah BABY´S
point of view at San Genaro

Divas at Letterman

Yesterday at Eileen and Al the drink of choice was like icecubes some red stuff ( juice ? ) and vodka

Can You tell that it was more than one drink?

On the subway to Little Italy we met former IFBB Pro Bodybuiler Jim Quinn-how cool I met him like 5 year´s ago on Broadway- he on his way to Gold´s Gym and me to the Libary....ähm I mean Hooters ( Which bye the way was one of the krassest Ollywoods days I had!!! more later)

The Hangover meets Little Italy - You saw it here first

maybe Mom is right and my head is to big ! James Franco took a pic with me ( Like 90 % of me )


James Franco at the Latterman Show - nice guy Ladys go crazy for him

Making friends on every corner ( in german = Kinderschreck )

I wanne be a Cowboy Baby!!!

Here comes the Bride, NY- Style

There She is....

Tom Jones manager and Son

Dienstag, 21. September 2010